New Treatment- Derma Roller Collagen Stimulation Therapy ™ otherwise known as the DermaRoller or Micro Needling is a cutting-edge treatment technique that harnesses your body’s natural powers of healing to increase collagen and achieve incredible results. It is especially effective for addressing the visible signs of ageing, as well as sun damage, scarring, slackened skin, stretch marks, uneven skintone and dilated blood vessels. Pioneering South African plastic surgeon and founder of Environ skincare Dr. Des Fernandes developed the process of pricking the skin with multiple tiny needs to stimulate collagen production without causing any damage to the epidermis back in 1996.
What will happen during the treatment? - During this revolutionary procedure, a skincare professional will apply a topical anesthetic to ensure your comfort and will use a small instrument containing tiny needles (1mm on the face – 3mm on the body) to create thousands of microscopic channels in your skin. This causes a minimal amount of bleeding that stops within minutes. After the treatment your practitioner will apply nourishing vitamins A and C to your skin followed by a soothing face mask.
How it works - The body responds to Collagen Stimulation Therapy ™ in the same way as it would to an injury. The small amount of bleeding caused during treatment releases powerful growth factors, part of a natural healing response that results in increased collagen and elastin production.
What do I have to do to prepare for this treatment? - It is vitally important that the skin is first prepared with Environ vitamin A products for a minimum of 3 weeks prior to treatment. Ideally it should be 3 months. The longer the skin has been prepared with vitamin A the faster and better it will heal. Vitamin A has been proven to thicken the epidermis and increase collagen deposition.
What can I expect after the treatment? - The tiny holes in the skin close completely within 12 hours and it has been shown that after 12 hours there is no evidence of any damage to the epidermis (the surface of the skin). The bleeding stops almost immediately and the skin is left flushed (like a sunburn) for only about 24 hours. Although on a more sensitive skin the redness can sometimes last longer. The redness will decrease day by day but a slight pinkness can last up to 3 days. The healing phase lasts between 5 and 7 days and during this time the skin can feel dry and tight and will often flake. Some people can also experience a few spots. After this the skin will look radiant, smooth and fresh.
The result
It will take longer to notice the tightening effects from Collagen Stimulation Therapy ™. Dr Des Fernandes, known as the founding father of needling, has been performing micro-needling treatments since the early 1990s. One of the main things that he has learnt is that effects take time and the best results are achieved after multiple treatments (minimum of 6). It takes time for the skin to lay down a thick layer of collagen and we advise that people should not expect to see significant tightening results until around 3 months after your first treatment. People will then start to notice something different and comment on how good your skin is looking. The skin will continue to improve even after 6 months and treatments can be repeated.
- The first advantage is that this procedure does not permanently damage the skin. The skin actually becomes thicker.
- The healing phase is short.
- The procedure is not painful due to the anaesthesia (topical only required for 1mm depth needling); there is also no post operative pain.
- It is not as expensive as laser resurfacing.
- Sun-sensitivity is a major and enduring problem in laser resurfacing, whereas after needling of the skin, the horny layer rapidly returns to its original thickness and the skin is not sun sensitive.
- A major advantage is that this needling can be done on people who have had laser resurfacing, or those with very thin skin.
- A very gratifying change occurs in dilated blood vessels, which may disappear.
- The other advantage is that this does not really have to be done by a plastic surgeon or dermatologist. The technique is easy to master because it does not require the artistic skills that are imperative in a tattoo artist.
- If the result after the percutaneous collagen induction is not satisfactory to the patient, it can be repeated without any risk.
For best results, a series of six collagen stimulation Therapy treatments should be done at intervals between one week and one month, depending on clients time and skin recovery time. The cost for a course of 6 treatments is £1250. This includes 6 1.5 hour treatments, 60 skin vitamin C supplements retailed at £14 and the Environ Hydrating oil capsules retailed at £42. I offer the Dermaroller see my site